Number of results: 10
Gaustatoppen Turisthytte was built in 1893 and at a height of 1,850 meters, has the most fantastic views from the top of the mountain.
The cabin is named after Claus Helberg, who was a driving force behind DNT's self-service cabins in the mountains and opened in 1993.
Kalhovd lies on the east bank of the Kalhovd Fjord, at the eastern rim of the Hardanger Plateau and is a natural gateway to the plateau.
Affordable accommodation in the Gausta area at Gaustatoppen Hostel.
At 1230 m.a.s. on the southeast side of Lake Lufsjå you will find Lufsjå - a good startingpoint for exploring the Hardangervidda Mountain Plateau.
On the eastern side of Hardangervidda, right by the borders of Hardangervidda National Park, you will find Maarbu Moutain Lodge.
Mårbu is a natural stopover for a cabin-to-cabin tour on Hardangervidda. The cabin is situated at Skartåkervollen on the shore of Søre Nordmannsslepa.
Mogen Turisthytte is situated at the west end of Møsvatn in Vinje municipality, and is one of Hardangervidda oldest tourist cabins. Many choose Mogen as a base for day trips in the area or as a starting point for hut to hut trip across the plateau.
Rjukan Fjellstue has both rooms and cabins for rental. They are situated in beautiful and natural surroundings, 7 km west of Rjukan.
Stordalsbu is a self catering cabin between Mogen and Kalhovd.